This year, FRMS has partnered with the ASSC 2022 to provide the management team with full sets of burgundy scrubs. The event will be held at Sea World on the Gold Coast from 29th of April to the 1st of May. It will provide a unique opportunity for students to meet like-minded colleagues across Australasia. Delegates will be able to experience academic breakout sessions, cutting-edge workshops, competitions, social events, and more!
For the first time, Fit Right Medical Scrubs are proud to announce that we will be attending the conference with a booth designed for students to shop our full range of medical scrubs, get to know our tea and story as well as have the chance to win fantastic prizes. We can't wait to share this experience with the incredible ASSC team and look forward to meeting as many of you as we can over the weekend.
To join the conversation online, visit @surgconference and use #FuelYourFire and #FRMSxASSC.